The Magic 5 poses that right away give us a better posture. And when we do this with a friend it’s even more fun!
Downward facing hero/ child 👧🏽
Half forward bend with wall
Full forward Ben with wall
Mountain with wall.
The kids (barely 8-10 years) then tested their posture and found length, height, space and strength in the spine and spinal muscles!
#downwardfacingdog #downdog #adhomukhasvanasana #uttanasana #ardhauttanasana #tadasana #mountainpose #kidsyoga #yogaforlife #yogafun #yogaforall #yogaforeveryone #spine #spinehealth #spinemobility #goodposture #kids #kidsyogagames #kidswellbeing #kidsbreathing #childrensmindfulness #children #child #childhood #yogahk #yogahkgirl